Interpersonal communication at work: obligation or additional value to achieve a success nowadays?

The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place
George Bernard Shaw.

The ability to deal with people is as purchasable a commodity as sugar or coffee and I will pay more for that ability than for any other under the sun
John D. Rockefeller

Do you remember the situation when you’ve felt misunderstood at work? You didn’t have any bad intentions but something went wrong … You’ve done everything correctly but the boss is all the time dissatisfied … You are thinking: why? What exactly did you do? How can you fix that mistake? These are the questions which make us contemplating almost every day at work.
The ability to communicate effectively between chiefs and subordinates or between employees taking the same position at work has a hudge importance for proper relations in a workplace. One time you need to become a sender but in the other situation you must be a recipient. The role of a sender is to transmit his notions, emotions and intensions on a verbal transfer. A recipient has to receive and interpret correctly all the significations.
A correct interpersonal communication at work goes on when a sender’s information reflects truly his intentions and when a recipient understands these intentions according to a sender’s expectations.
But what if these references will be interpreted in a wrong way?
Sometimes we can observe a conflict because the employees or a chief and a subordinate can’t understand each other. This situation constitues a large problem: not only for themselves but generally for an enterprise. People involved in this conflict can’t communicate so their efficiency fall down immediately. In this case the enterprise will need someone who can resolve a problem indicating the employees their responsibilities. If not, a crisis appears, an anger, an irritation and a hate rise so an atmosphere at work becomes intolerable.
So how can we deal with this kind of crisis or better - be aware of?
An effective interpersonal communication depends on following general rules:
-          cooperation: all of the workers need to soothe conflict and start collaborating to allow the enterprise developing and increase the number of potential clients.
-          accordance: they must reduce distances and differences and let each of them express his own opinions.
-          approbation: every person at work must show a respect and an appreciation for all workers and prohibit unfounded criticisms.
-          empathy: it is obligatory to try to understand each opinion, emotion and attitude of an employee.

To sum up, what helps us to become better workers? Decisively an interpersonal communication, not only an acquired knowledge and intelligence. We are all human beings so we need to live with other people and to communicate with them! Communication is a base of live in society. But is it an obligation or an additional value? Or maybe should it be? I leave you independent to answer the question :)


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