Top Fashion Blogs

If you want to stay current with the latest trends, you might find nowadays a lot of popular fashion blogs that now exist. Today, I would like to present you the most influential ones which "stand out from the crowd" :)

Kingdom of Style is a Scottish blog founded in 2008 by Michelle Haswell and Marie Thomson. The site is presented on a white background where you can find posts which cover a variety of art and forms, not only about fashion (for example reviews of performances or posts showing many unusual and infrequents collections). Probably you start to wonder what this has something in common with fashion. Kingdom of Style answers: it shows the importance of making contact with a reader who can identify with the lifestyle and values presented by this site.

Jemerced is a seven years old blog created by Jessica Mercedes (half-Polish, half-German fashion blogger). She has worked in fashion magazines, in television and also has been a blogger for Rimmel (the cosmetics company). Her blog presents a mixture of well known brands such as Victoria's Secret, Gucci but also Polish designers like for example Gosia Baczyńska. We can see a lot of colourful photos, street scenes, often in Poland and video relations of fashion shows (Paris Fashion Week, Shanghai Fashion Week etc).

Maffashion is a blog site that has a huge influence on the European market. It was created by Julia Kuczyńska, a thirty years old model and blogger who studied Computer Graphics in Poznań before she moved to Warsaw to work in advertising and music videos. Her site has many information and photographic collections of brands like River Island, Adidas, Reebok but also Gucci, Dior or Chanel. Moreover, Maffashion can be enjoyable to read because Julia shares information about her today's duties, about her private life. She treats a reader like her friend. Personally, that's my favourite fashion blog :) I like Julia and the way she presents fashion news and information about her family, journeys etc.


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