How Meghan Markle and Prince Harry broke royal traditions

During the wedding a lot of royal traditions were broken. Fortunately, these changes were acceptable by the Queen.

Number one:
Meghan Markle and Prince Harry changed a lot over the Saturday wedding which was held at St. George's Chapel. The biggest break to royal protocol: the couple held hands during the ceremony—which is traditionally forbidden.

Number two:
On May 19th, Meghan Markle and Prince Harry will wed at St. George's Chapel at Windsor Castle. Traditionally, most royal couples get married at the capital's Westminster Abbey (for example, Prince William and Kate Middleton did it in 2011).
This choice of venue isn't a full break rule from royal protocol—they followed a number of royal couples who walked down at the Windsor Castle. For instatnce, Harry's cousin, Peter Phillips and his wife Autumn Kelly were married at St. George's Chapel in 2008. Harry's father, Prince Charles, and stepmother, Camilla Parker Bowles, had a special blessing ceremony at Windsor Castle after their civil marriage in 2005.

Number three:
To the disappointment of British people, Prince Harry and his current wife were married on May 19th, which is a Saturday. Normally, a royal wedding is during the work week (Prince William and the Duchess of Cambridge were married on a Friday).

Number four:
Traditionally, British weddings don't have a bridesmaid. It's typical that children of the royal family or aristocracy will serve as the "wedding party." The Duchess of Cambridge broke this rule when her sister Pippa became the most famous bridesmaid at her wedding to Price William in 2011. And now, Markle also deviated from royal tradition by appointing a bridesmaid to stand with her during her big day.

Number five:
Meghan Markle's father couldn't escorte his daughter on May 19th. British royal protocol tells that the bride's father escorts her on her wedding day (the Duchess of Cambridge walked down the aisle beside her father at Westminster Abbey). Because of the absence of Markle's father it was Prince Charles who finally escorted current Duchess of Sussex before her wedding with Prince Harry.


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