The theory of the unconscious mind

"The mind is like an iceberg, it floats with one-seventh of its bulk above water"

Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) was born in Austria. He developed the technique of psychoanalysis in his treatment of patients with mental disorders. His most famous book, "The Interpretation of Dreams" was published in 1900.

Freud argued that we all have an unconscious mind as well as a conscious one. The unconscious in where our motivations originate and our fears are buried. Memories, especially from childhood, have a huge influence on the way we are now, but we are unaware of their significance. We deny or resist becoming conscious of these motives.

Freud's proposals came when strict scientific methods were seen as the only way to discover truth. By introducing the notion of the unconscious, Freud undermined the belief that we are in control of our actions, thoughts and behavious all the time.

He is commonly referred to as "the father of psychoanalysis" and his work has been highly influencial.

"His ideas are unverifiables. His attitude to scientific reseach id irresponsible"


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